Some hot pockets have been pulled over potential glass and plastic

Some hot pockets have been pulled over potential glass and plastic

Nestlé Ready Foods has recalled more than 700,000 pounds of hot-frozen bags of pepperoni that may contain bits of glass and hard plastic, according to the USDA. She said the Food Safety and Inspection Service on Friday.

The recall was issued after Nestlé received four separate consumer complaints about „foreign substances“ in Pepperoni Hot Pockets, the Food Safety and Inspection Service said.

The company said in a Friday press release Contaminated products „may pose a choking or rupture hazard and should not be consumed“.

One consumer reported „minor oral injury associated with the consumption of this product,“ but there were no other reports of injury or illness, the Food Safety and Inspection Service said.

The recall includes approximately 762,615 pounds of hot pepperoni pockets packaged in a 54-ounce carton of 12 hot pockets with an expiration date of February 2022. The label says “Nestlé Hot Pockets Sandwiches: Premium pepperoni made with pork Chicken, beef pizza, and a garlic butter crust. „

Hot pockets pulled from November 13 to November 16 were produced and shipped to stores across the country, the Food Safety and Inspection Service said.

Nestlé said: “The quality, safety and integrity of Nestlé USA products and Hot Pockets products remain our top priority. „We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this procedure poses to both our customers and retail customers.“

Nestlé did not immediately respond to additional inquiries.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service said the Hot Pocket recall is considered first class, a high health risk „as there is a reasonable possibility that use of the product would result in serious health consequences or death.“

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The service urged consumers to dispose of or return the product.

Nestlé has acquired Chef America, Which produced the best-selling hot pocket snacks and roasted pizza for the microwave, for $ 2.6 billion in 2002.

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