Sky Watch: Full moon in January

Sky Watch: Full moon in January

Grand Rapids, Michigan (Wood) – January’s full moon will illuminate the night sky this week.

The moon will be officially full at 2:16 PM on January 28, but it will appear full for a few nights that day. It will be out from evening until dawn, and as long as the clouds can be extinguished, you will have a good chance of seeing it.

A full moon in January is also known as Wolf Moon, Snow Moon, Ice Moon, or Hunger Moon.

While you enjoy the view of the full moon, keep your eyes open to some of the planets as well. Mercury will be visible about half an hour to an hour after sunset, low on the horizon in the southwest. It is brighter than usual at the moment and will be visible with the naked eye.

Venus can be seen low on the horizon in the southeast, about half an hour before sunrise. Mars is located in the southwest at night, high in the sky. Jupiter and Saturn are no longer visible, lost by sunset light.

John Damon sent this image of a lunar aura in Greenville. This optical phenomenon is caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice crystals in high wax.

A lunar aura in Greenville. (Courtesy of: John Damon)

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