Female veterans blame toxic rule for reproductive problems: „I’m going to die young“
Former Army Intelligence Analyst Elba Barr trained in connecting dots – a practice she now uses to examine a pile of medical records.
“There has been something tremendous since 2013 every year, in medical terms,” Barr told investigative reporter CBS News, Kathryn Heridge.
While Bar spread throughout the Middle East and Africa after 9/11 to track down al-Qaeda, there is no doubt that the most dangerous and dangerous place is Karshi Khanabad, or K2, A former Soviet air base in Uzbekistan, a launching pad for covert missions in Afghanistan.
„To me, K2 was a rule that should never be a rule … Dangers, signs everywhere where there are risks,“ she said.
The 41-year-old mother blamed the four months she spent in K2 for chronic reproductive health problems.
“I had problems with my cervix, and I kept suffering from severe pain and endometriosis. I had to have a partial hysterectomy. Last year, I had both ovaries removed and they found the onset of the first stage of cancer,” Barr said.
Bar is one of more than 200 K2 veterans who have swamped A. Facebook page Where members discuss issues of pollution and health.
The nonprofit that tracks K2 cases says 40% of ex-service women who were at the base report at least one miscarriage, 8% reported breast or uterine cancer and 30% reported ovarian cancer or related problems. This data terrified Barr – it made her cry.
six months CBS News investigation It revealed soil saturated with jet fuel, oils, lubricants, and radiological warnings as well as prior use of chemical agents.
Defense Department employee Mike Lichlitner participated in the early testing of the base. He said the new information revealed a lot about Al Qaeda.
„We learned that the Soviets had a chemical weapons decontamination unit next to our camp.“
The photos obtained by CBS News show that the base was also a waste site for used chemical weapons equipment, including protective gear such as face masks that were used to block chemical agents. These face masks are found in the „tent city“ where soldiers work and sleep.
Courtesy of Philip Sandell
Barr said the CBS news investigation changed her life, giving her an explanation as to the cause of the medical problems she had been facing for years.
“I spent the greater part of ten years wondering, ‚Am I going crazy? … and that’s what happens [the CBS News investigation] Act. Everything proved correct, a decade of cases. „
Bar is now opening up to her children about her exposure to toxic substances.
Barr told Heridge, „I have no doubt that I’m going to die young. You assume I’m not. I live on lost time, 100%. It’s not about whether it’s a date.“
Despite the data, the Department of Veterans Affairs does not acknowledge a link between K2 and the disease. Bar wants the leadership to advance, and despite her struggles and the suffering of the veterans, she is sure they will serve again.
„And if you ask us, we will do it again, with heartbeat. All we are asking is that we support our end of the deal and it is for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to suspend their agreement.“
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller drafted an executive order that would open the door to medical assistance and financial relief for K2 veterans. The Executive Order was in its final stages when it overran the Capitol trouble makers Last Wednesday. The K2 Veterans Group hopes to be signed by President Trump, although they communicate with the Biden administration in the absence of any action before inauguration day.
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