Enthüllung der besten fermentierten Lebensmittel zur Förderung der Gehirngesundheit

Enthüllung der besten fermentierten Lebensmittel zur Förderung der Gehirngesundheit

Klarheit des mentalen Fokuskonzepts zur Verbesserung des Gehirns

Forscher führen eine große Studie durch, um die Wirkung von fermentierten Lebensmitteln auf die Gesundheit des Gehirns zu bestimmen. Vorläufige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass alle 200 untersuchten fermentierten Lebensmittel das Potenzial zeigten, die Gesundheit von Darm und Gehirn zu verbessern, wobei zucker- und fermentierte pflanzliche Produkte vielversprechend waren. Fermentierte Zuckerprodukte wandeln ungeachtet ihres Namens Rohzucker in nützliche Metaboliten um, die das Gehirn positiv beeinflussen können. Weitere Studien werden Kolon- und künstliche Tiermodelle verwenden, um die Auswirkungen dieser Metaboliten auf das Gehirn zu untersuchen, mit dem Ziel, die Öffentlichkeit zu ermutigen, fermentierte Lebensmittel in ihre Ernährung für die psychische Gesundheit und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden aufzunehmen.

Eine Studie über die Auswirkungen fermentierter Lebensmittel auf die Gesundheit des Gehirns ergab, dass fast 200 analysierte fermentierte Lebensmittel das Potenzial zur Verbesserung der Darm- und Gehirngesundheit aufwiesen. Zucker und pflanzliche Produkte haben die größten Vorteile gezeigt, mit mehr Forschung, um die spezifischen Auswirkungen dieser Lebensmittel auf das Gehirn zu bestimmen.

Viele Länder auf der ganzen Welt haben ihre eigenen fermentierten Lebensmittel, die in Kultur und Ernährung verwurzelt sind. Es kann kein Zufall sein, dass dies immer wieder vorkam. Es erscheint logisch, dass fermentierte Lebensmittel mehr bieten als nur ein Mittel zur Konservierung.

Die Ernährung kann Ihre geistige Gesundheit stark beeinflussen, und frühere Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass bestimmte Lebensmittel Ihr Gehirn besonders positiv beeinflussen können. Fermentierte Lebensmittel sind eine Quelle für Tryptophan, das ein Amin ist[{“ attribute=““>acid key to the production of serotonin, a messenger in the brain which influences several aspects of brain function, including mood. The foods may also contain other brain messengers (known as neurotransmitters) in their raw form. It’s no surprise then that research has shown that eating fermented foods may have various long- and short-term impacts on brain function, such as reducing stress. But which foods have the biggest impact on brain health?

Homemade Fermented Kombucha Tea

Kombucha is a popular fermented beverage made from sweetened tea, typically black or green, that undergoes a fermentation process using a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). This effervescent drink has a tangy, slightly sweet taste and is believed to offer various health benefits. Rich in probiotics and antioxidants, Kombucha has gained popularity for promoting gut health, aiding digestion, and potentially boosting the immune system. While its origins are unclear, it is believed to have originated in ancient China or Russia and has since become a trendy health drink enjoyed worldwide.

Researchers at APC Microbiome, University College Cork, and Teagasc (Ireland’s Agriculture and Food Development Authority) in Moorepark, Cork, Ireland are currently working on a large study to finally answer this question. Ramya Balasubramanian and the team at APC compared sequencing data from over 200 foods from all over the world, looking for a variety of metabolites that are known to be beneficial to brain health.

The study is still in its initial stages, but researchers are already surprised by preliminary results. Ramya explains, “I expected only a few fermented foods would show up, but out of 200 fermented foods, almost all of them showed the ability to exert some sort of potential to improve gut and brain health.” More research is needed to fully understand which groups of fermented foods have the greatest effects on the human brain, but results are showing an unexpected victor.


Kimchi is a traditional Korean fermented dish made from a variety of vegetables, most commonly napa cabbage, and seasoned with spices and other ingredients like garlic, ginger, and red chili pepper flakes. The mixture undergoes a fermentation process facilitated by lactic acid bacteria, resulting in a tangy, spicy, and slightly sour taste. Kimchi is rich in probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, which contribute to its various health benefits, including promoting gut health, improving digestion, and boosting the immune system. This iconic Korean staple is enjoyed as a side dish, ingredient, or condiment in numerous dishes, and its popularity has spread globally due to its unique flavor and health benefits.

“Fermented sugar-based products and fermented vegetable-based products are like winning the lottery when it comes to gut and brain health,” explains Ramya.

“For all that we see on sugar-based products being demonized, fermented sugar takes the raw sugar substrate, and it converts it into a plethora of metabolites that can have a beneficial effect on the host. So even though it has the name ‘sugar’ in it, if you do a final metabolomic screen, the sugar gets used by the microbial community that’s present in the food, and they get converted into these beautiful metabolites that are ready to be cherry-picked by us for further studies.”

These further studies are what’s next for Ramya. She plans to put her top-ranked fermented foods through rigorous testing using an artificial colon and various animal models to see how these metabolites affect the brain.

Ramya hopes that the public can utilize these preliminary results and consider including fermented foods in their diet as a natural way of supporting their mental health and general well-being.

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