Earth’s rotation accelerates in 2020, we may need a ’negative leap second‘

Earth’s rotation accelerates in 2020, we may need a ’negative leap second‘

Another strange thing about 2020: Planet acceleration.

The speed of the planet’s rotation often drifts slightly, depending on changes in winds, ocean currents, or the rotation around Earth’s molten core. However over the past few decades, this has generally slowed down the microscopic rotation. The upshot of this is that every year and a half (or so), we need to add a „leap second“ to the atomic clock.

But in 2020, the opposite happened – We have had the fastest 28 days on record since 1960. This greatly accelerated the planet’s rotation The masters of time in charge of clocks on our planet are thinking of adding a „negative leap second“: they will Remove time.

not exactly TenetBut I’m very excited though. As Live Science writes:

“It is very likely that a negative second jump would be required if the Earth’s rotation rate increased further, but it is too early to say if this is likely to happen,” said physicist Peter Weberley of the National Physics Laboratory in the United Kingdom, The Telegraph said. „There is also an international discussion going on about the future of leap seconds, and it is also possible that the need for a negative leap second could push the decision towards ending the leap seconds forever.“

Screenshot of … Superman reverses time, above.

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