Dies of 94 co-inventor of optical fibers- Legacy.com

Dies of 94 co-inventor of optical fibers- Legacy.com

Narinder Kabane He was a physicist known as the „father of optical fibers“ and one of the inventors of the optical fiber technology.

Create – and name – a new technology

A native Indian, Kabane was determined from a young age to learn how to bend a light. His quest led him to graduate from school in London, where he began working with Professor Harold Hopkins on his project in an effort to transmit light through flexible fiberglass. They became a powerful team: Hopkins presented the theory and Kabane decided how to apply the theory, and together they were among the first to invent optical fibers. Kapany gave the new technology its name in a 1960 article for Scientific American. He also became an enthusiastic promoter of their creation, writing academic papers as well as showing business and government interests how they could use technology that is now indispensable. Today, optical fiber technology is critical in computers and communications, as well as in medical imaging. In later years, Kabane settled in the United States and started a number of businesses in addition to teaching at colleges including Illinois Institute of Technology, University of California, Santa Cruz and Berkeley.

Cabane is at the start of his interest in light

“I was just a very precocious kid taking a college physics course when the professor told us one day that light“ always travels in a straight line. ”But that can’t be true, as I thought – it must be bent sometimes. —From a 2009 interview for the San Francisco Chronicle

Tribute to Narender Cabane

Full obituary: New York times

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