Anna Wintour defends controversial Kamala Harris Vogue cover

Anna Wintour defends controversial Kamala Harris Vogue cover

Vogue Editor Anna Wintour stands next to her polarizing magazine cover shot of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Harris, 56, in front of the February issue of Tyler Mitchell’s fashion book in jacket, jeans, and Converse sneakers, This prompted some to criticize Choosing the picture as „insulting“ and „poorly represented“ [a] A Colorful Woman in Power. „

Wintour, 71, spoke of the backlash in A. Statement to the New York Times On Tuesday, saying that Vogue had „heard and understood the reaction“ but that „it was not our intention in any way to underestimate the staggering victory of the Vice President-elect.“

A different image was used for Vogue digital cover, featuring VP-elect in a pale blue jumpsuit from the Michael Kors Collection. Some have speculated on social media that the Harris team believes the same image will appear in the print as well, but Wintour stated that „there is no formal agreement“ about the two shots.

Kamala Harris is on the cover of February Vogue
Elected Vice President Kamala Harris on the cover of Vogue for February
Tyler Mitchell for Vogue

“When the two photos reached Vogue, we all felt so strongly that the less formal image of the Vice President-elect really reflects the moment in which we were all living – as we still are – of the most horrific pandemic taking lives every minute,” Wintour continued.

„And we felt like we were reflecting this tragic moment in world history, a much less formal picture, something that was very accessible and accessible and real, really reflecting the hallmark of Biden Harris‘ campaign and everything they try to do, and I’m sure I will achieve.“

The day before the Harris cover leak, Wintour spoke with Kara Swisher on the Times podcast „Sway“, describing the chosen photo as „glamorous and relaxing“ as well as „cheerful and upbeat.“

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Wintour said, „I can’t imagine that there is anyone out there who would really find this cover anything but that, positive, and a picture of a woman in control of her life that will bring us … the leadership we so desperately need“ at the time. „To me, it’s just a very important, but positive, statement about women and women in power.“

Former Vogue Editor Andre Leon Tally too Defend the cover. “It’s great. Wonderful. Great,” he wrote on Instagram on Tuesday.

„Her uniform and her Converse sneakers everywhere are ambitious. I expect her [sic] It will set a trend for all young women around the world, [who] They dress like Kamala Harris, „praising the work of 26-year-old photographer Mitchell as“ wonderful. „

“Get me down. Clapback in my face on social media. All I can say is that Anna Wintour has not abdicated. I hope to be there, in Vogue, to celebrate with the team,” Tally concluded.

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