3 mountain lions were captured on camera roaming the town of Colorado

3 mountain lions were captured on camera roaming the town of Colorado

Parker the Snow Dog warns residents of Georgetown after footage of the Black Ring showed mountains in the area.

Georgetown, Colorado – Last week, mountain lions were captured with a camera outside two homes in Georgetown.

Parker the Snow Dog – the de facto mayor of the city (and yes, it’s a dog in reality) – released a cat video on Monday afternoon, warning voters to keep their pets safe.

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The video above shows the lions of the three mountains walking by a gaming camera, and then lurking near some garbage cans in this mountain community.

Georgetown, located 8,500 feet above sea level and about an hour west of Denver by Interstate 70, is no stranger to the mountain lion’s habitat.

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Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) says these solitary big cats usually live in the mountains where the deer that prey on them is easily accessible.

It’s rare to see mountain lions in the wild, but if you do see lions, CPW recommends:

Stay calm, speak firmly to the animal while moving slowly.

Stop or slowly walk away from the mountain lion, as running may trigger an instinct to attack. Face the mountain lion as much as possible.

Do everything in your power to look bigger by raising your arms and opening your jacket.

If a mountain lion begins to act aggressively, throw stones, twigs, or whatever is available waving and screaming forcefully.

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– If the animal attacks you, fight back! Stay standing or try to get up if a mountain lion strikes you.

Suggested videos: Local storeBy 9NEWS

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